Student CF Research Award Publications
Bustillo ME, Juarez L, Meiss L, Fischer H, Gruenert DC, Illek B (2013). Heat Shock Activates Transgene CFTR Cl Channels. FASEB J, Apr 2013; 26:696.1
Illek B, Fischer HB, Bustillo ME, Meiss L, Juarez L, Gruenert DC, (2013) . Heat Shock Enhances CMV promoter-driven CFTR Expression in CF airways. Ped. Pulmonol. 48, suppl. 35, 230.
Sellers ZM, Illek B, Figueria M, Hari G, Joo NS, Sibley E, Fischer H, Wine JJ (2015) PGE2-stimulated Cl- secretion and mucociliary clearance in cystic fibrosis airway. Ped. Pulmonol. 50, suppl. 39, 236.
Fischer H, Echavia K, Finkbeiner W, Illek B (2015). Growth inhibition of P. aeruginosa by an alkaline airway pH in a bacterial-epithelial coculture system. Ped. Pulmonol. 50, suppl. 39, 238.
Illek B, Zlock L, Boecking C, Olshansky S, Echavia K, Gopika H, Pangilinan E, Finkbeiner WE, Fischer H (2015) Conditionally reprogrammed cells for personalized medicine in cystic fibrosis. Ped. Pulmonol. 50, suppl 39, 256-257.
Illek B, Meiss L, Modlin S, Cohen F, Gruenert DC, Fischer H (2010). Hyperactivation and protection of CFTR Cl transport by brief hyperthermic treatment. Ped. Pulmonol. 45, suppl 33, 257.
Illek B, Bustillo ME; Spence, S, Fischer H, Gruenert D (2011) Enhancement of CFTR correction by brief hyperthermic treatment and DNA methyltransferase inhibitor. Ped. Pulmonol. 46, suppl 34, 232.
Lauren Meiss, Role of CFTR and p53 during Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Homoserine Lactone-Induced Apoptosis and Epithelial Barrier Breakdown. Honor Thesis. Arizona State University.
lllek B, Meiss L, Modlin S, Cohen F, Gruenert D, Howard M, Fischer H (2009) Heat shock response protects against pyocyanin-induced loss of CFTR function in bronchial epithelial cells. Free Rad Biol Med., 47 suppl 1, S101.
lllek B, Fischer H, Streich-Tilles T, Cheng A, Ames BN, Jiang Q, Peden DB (2007) Duox1-mediated release of hydrogen peroxide is modified by vitamin C. Am J Respir. Crit. Care Med., A126.
Fischer H, Streich-Tilles T, Illek B (2008) Expression and Function of the HVCN1 proton channel in airways. (2008). Ped. Pulmonol., suppl 31, 244.
Illek, B, Suh, JH, Kim E, Barber KJ, Fischer H, Gruenert D, Schwarzer C, Machen TE (2008) Oxidative stress by pyocyanin inhibits Cl- transport in wildtype CFTR corrected cystic fibrosis bronchial epithelial cells. Ped. Pulmonol., suppl 31,228, 322.
Schwarzer C , Fischer H, Kim EJ, Barber KJ, Mills AD, Kurth MJ, Gruenert DC, Suh JH, Machen TE, Illek B (2008) Oxidative Stress caused by pyocyanin impairs CFTR Cl- Transport In Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells. Free Radical Biology & Medicine. 45(12): 1653-62.
Maurisse R, Illek B, Cheung J, Wahler L, Fischer H, Gruenert DC (2006) Episomal expression of the entire 6.2kb CFTR cDNA corrects defective Cl secretion across polarized cystic fibrosis airways. Ped. Pulmonol., suppl. 29, 290.
Illek B, Maurisse R, Fischer H, Wahler L, Gruenert DC (2007). Enhanced ATP-stimulated Cl secretion after complementation of CF airway epithelia cells with WT-CFTR. Ped. Pulmonol., suppl.30, 250.
Illek B, Maurisse R, Wahler L, Kunzelmann K, Fischer H, Gruenert DC (2008) Cl- Transport in Complemented CF Bronchial Epithelial Cells Correlates with CFTR mRNA Expression Levels. J. Cellular Physiol. Biochem. 22:57-68.
Bustillo ME, Juarez L, Meiss L, Fischer H, Gruenert DC, Illek B (2013). Heat Shock Activates Transgene CFTR Cl Channels. FASEB J, Apr 2013; 26:696.1
Illek B, Fischer HB, Bustillo ME, Meiss L, Juarez L, Gruenert DC, (2013) . Heat Shock Enhances CMV promoter-driven CFTR Expression in CF airways. Ped. Pulmonol. 48, suppl. 35, 230.
Sellers ZM, Illek B, Figueria M, Hari G, Joo NS, Sibley E, Fischer H, Wine JJ (2015) PGE2-stimulated Cl- secretion and mucociliary clearance in cystic fibrosis airway. Ped. Pulmonol. 50, suppl. 39, 236.
Fischer H, Echavia K, Finkbeiner W, Illek B (2015). Growth inhibition of P. aeruginosa by an alkaline airway pH in a bacterial-epithelial coculture system. Ped. Pulmonol. 50, suppl. 39, 238.
Illek B, Zlock L, Boecking C, Olshansky S, Echavia K, Gopika H, Pangilinan E, Finkbeiner WE, Fischer H (2015) Conditionally reprogrammed cells for personalized medicine in cystic fibrosis. Ped. Pulmonol. 50, suppl 39, 256-257.
Illek B, Meiss L, Modlin S, Cohen F, Gruenert DC, Fischer H (2010). Hyperactivation and protection of CFTR Cl transport by brief hyperthermic treatment. Ped. Pulmonol. 45, suppl 33, 257.
Illek B, Bustillo ME; Spence, S, Fischer H, Gruenert D (2011) Enhancement of CFTR correction by brief hyperthermic treatment and DNA methyltransferase inhibitor. Ped. Pulmonol. 46, suppl 34, 232.
Lauren Meiss, Role of CFTR and p53 during Pseudomonas Aeruginosa Homoserine Lactone-Induced Apoptosis and Epithelial Barrier Breakdown. Honor Thesis. Arizona State University.
lllek B, Meiss L, Modlin S, Cohen F, Gruenert D, Howard M, Fischer H (2009) Heat shock response protects against pyocyanin-induced loss of CFTR function in bronchial epithelial cells. Free Rad Biol Med., 47 suppl 1, S101.
lllek B, Fischer H, Streich-Tilles T, Cheng A, Ames BN, Jiang Q, Peden DB (2007) Duox1-mediated release of hydrogen peroxide is modified by vitamin C. Am J Respir. Crit. Care Med., A126.
Fischer H, Streich-Tilles T, Illek B (2008) Expression and Function of the HVCN1 proton channel in airways. (2008). Ped. Pulmonol., suppl 31, 244.
Illek, B, Suh, JH, Kim E, Barber KJ, Fischer H, Gruenert D, Schwarzer C, Machen TE (2008) Oxidative stress by pyocyanin inhibits Cl- transport in wildtype CFTR corrected cystic fibrosis bronchial epithelial cells. Ped. Pulmonol., suppl 31,228, 322.
Schwarzer C , Fischer H, Kim EJ, Barber KJ, Mills AD, Kurth MJ, Gruenert DC, Suh JH, Machen TE, Illek B (2008) Oxidative Stress caused by pyocyanin impairs CFTR Cl- Transport In Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells. Free Radical Biology & Medicine. 45(12): 1653-62.
Maurisse R, Illek B, Cheung J, Wahler L, Fischer H, Gruenert DC (2006) Episomal expression of the entire 6.2kb CFTR cDNA corrects defective Cl secretion across polarized cystic fibrosis airways. Ped. Pulmonol., suppl. 29, 290.
Illek B, Maurisse R, Fischer H, Wahler L, Gruenert DC (2007). Enhanced ATP-stimulated Cl secretion after complementation of CF airway epithelia cells with WT-CFTR. Ped. Pulmonol., suppl.30, 250.
Illek B, Maurisse R, Wahler L, Kunzelmann K, Fischer H, Gruenert DC (2008) Cl- Transport in Complemented CF Bronchial Epithelial Cells Correlates with CFTR mRNA Expression Levels. J. Cellular Physiol. Biochem. 22:57-68.